EGP CSR Program 2021

EGP CSR Program 2021: Year 2 of Sponsoring MDIAS Scholars of Luuk Tongkil Elementary School
Last year, EGP’s CSR Program aimed to “Helping in Guarding the Future”. This year, the company opted to maintain this objective in partnership with the sponsorship program of Team Asia and its partner institutions. This project persists in supporting the ten (10) selected MDIAS scholars from Luuk Tungkil Elementary School in Sulu for another academic year.
The one-year assistance undoubtedly benefits the parents and the children with their education, especially amidst the pandemic where there is a drastic shift in the current educational situation. This monetary aid will be utilized to purchase the students’ school supplies. And it may also provide transportation allowance to parents to get their children’s modules from their school.
Meanwhile, the company is also pleased to announce that all the scholars have already advanced to Year Level 4 (Grade 4) this school year. They have performed well on their studies, which genuinely makes their sponsors proud of them. Below are some of the photos of the children during the awarding of their cash allowance:
Even though the pandemic still affects all of us, EGP continues to make efforts and find ways to give back to the community. Ten might not be a big number, but helping these ten hardworking and dedicated scholars will hopefully make a significant impact on their lives. Together, we will continue to support our youth and help them guard a brighter and better future.